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Down’s Community Farm celebrates Urban Agriculture!

190 Old Wells Road, Seaford, VIC 3198
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As part of Growing Edible Towns and Cities: celebrating and raising awareness of Australia’s urban agricultural movement in 2022, Down’s Community Farm (DCF) focuses on the combined value of gardening tools, gardeners, food growers, and the hands-on skills and wellbeing of growing, cooking and sharing food together as a connected and healthy community.

On Saturday the 19th of November 2022, as part of the great Australian Garage Sale trail, we invite stallholders to sell pre-loved gardening tools, and our wider community to come and buy a pre-loved item to start your homegrown food gardens.

Come join your local urban farm and hear about our community garden and vegie patch allotments.


DCF’s 2022 Urban Ag Month celebration will include the weekly working bee and pop-up workshops in the spirit of zero-waste and circular economy (repair, recycle, reuse, reduce) where we will show and share how to maintain and repair tools, make a hot compost, plant potatoes, cook healthy meals, and host the Seaford food swap, all at Down’s Community Farm. There will be some free gardening activities for kids at the event too.

We have limited spaces for stallholders to sell pre-loved gardening tools (only).
BOOK YOUR SPOT - Direct message us to secure your stall.
Sales start at 9:00am on the day. Please message us with any questions.

Site accessibility: Down’s Community Farm has an accessible car park and composting toilet on site for visitors.
Farm is found at 190 Old Wells Road, Seaford VIC 3198, Australia
Other requirements: BYO cash, drink bottles, hat, bags, and curiosity

More information:

For more information or to register to attend, visit

Or contact Robyn-UrbanAg Lisa-GarageSales
