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Introduction to Permaculture - one day workshop

80 Clifford Road, Hillier, SA 5116
$125 plus booking fee
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Immerse yourself for the day in a concentrated introduction to the principles & techniques of this complete system for the sustainable design of homes, gardens, businesses, farms, smart waste use and re-use, economics, community development and energy management and more.

The workshop will focus on positive & practical choices we can all make in our daily lives both at home and in the workplace, using permaculture design and action to make a difference and to create a more resilient and planet-friendly future for ourselves, families, neighborhoods & workplaces.

You will be able to experience and 'see in action', appropriately designed passive solar structures, tools, equipment and growing systems on this organically certified property and solve some property design challenges using three-dimensional interactive modelling.

We provide course notes, morning and afternoon tea. Please BYO lunch.

For more information about the workshops we offer, the venue and general Food Forest information visit:

After registration more information about what to bring, where to park etc for this workshop will be sent out via email closer to the event.

$125pp (+ booking fee)

More information:

For more information or to register to attend, visit*q46u0h*_gcl_aw*R0NMLjE3Mjk4NDM5MjMuQ2p3S0NBandnLTI0QmhCX0Vpd0ExWk94OGdFVUdUZ3JZUllTUFdXMEE5WjJpNXM2aTJHUTdvVW53a2E0LXd1ZzQzV2VQMVVPVlUxUjlSb0NuZTRRQXZEX0J3RQ..*_gcl_au*MTAyMzE0NTE3My4xNzI1NjczNjE4*_ga*MTUzOTc3Mzk3OC4xNzI1OTI4MjQ4*_ga_LHKW5FR9N6*MTczMTQ3MTAyNy41OC4xLjE3MzE0NzE3MjUuNTcuMC4w

Or contact Annemarie Brookman

Phone: 08 85226450
