Come along to an info-packed presentation about ways to reduce waste during festive seasons.
Rowville Community Room
Rowville Library
Stud Park Shopping Centre
Stud Rd, Rowville
11:00AM - 12:30PM
Thursday 14 November 2024
We’ll cover food preparation and recipe ideas, sourcing and making eco-friendly gifts, clever decorating ideas using upcycled or natural materials, alternatives to gift wrapping paper, managing waste at events, and more!
Anna Gibbons, founder and creative director of The Urban Nanna, specialises in teaching traditional skills, crafts and methods of living set in the framework of a modern-day world. As well as reviving traditional ways of foraging, cooking, preserving, and crafting, she focuses heavily on permaculture and living a sustainable, low-waste lifestyle as a renter in suburban Australia.
More information:
For more information or to register to attend, visit