When you save seeds you're preserving the genetic diversity of your own produce. By carefully selecting the plants you save seeds from you can preserve the unique traits that made them desirable for you, including taste, ability to resist pests and adaptation to your local climate.
In this online workshop run by online seed marketplace Local Seeds we will teach you how to get started saving seeds from open-pollinated plants. We'll cover the most common methods of collecting, drying and storing seeds as well as tips on how to avoid cross-pollination.
* Why save seeds?
* How to get started
* Saving seeds from lettuce
* Saving seeds from tomatoes
* Preventing cross-pollination
* Swapping seeds
More information:
For more information or to register to attend, visit forms.gle/JnruuT21KD4vmhe77
Or contact Daniel Breves Ribeiro
Email: contact@localseeds.com.au