On Saturday 11 November, Montmorency Primary School will benefit from Hannah’s expertise, to create an Indigenous Garden filled with edible bush tucker plants, to be harvested and put to delicious use in the school’s Kitchen Garden Program cooking classes.
Come and lend a hand! Hannah will guide the creation of the garden and share her knowledge in four mini-workshops:
- Gardening productively in clay soil
- Success with natives/bush tucker
- Creating a garden under gum trees
- Waterwise gardening for dry areas
Then, after a day of digging and learning, students of the Kitchen Garden Program will cook up a delicious lunch for us all to share. Please bring a gold coin donation for lunch, as all proceeds go towards the school's Kitchen Garden Program.
Important details:
- Each working bee runs for three hours.
- There are three morning sessions available and three afternoon sessions. Please book one session only.
- Participants should bring gardening gloves and a hat.
- Only book a ticket for adults attending; kids don't need tickets.
- If you own a mattock, spade, shovel, wheelbarrow or garden fork, please bring it along – it will make the work much easier!
More information:
For more information or to register to attend, visit kitchengardenfoundation.org.au/hannah-moloney-indigenous-garden-day