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Working with water with Dan

30 Gastons Road, Eltham, VIC 3095
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Comprising two sessions with a lunch break in between, this 4.5 hour workshop explores the human relationship with water, how it fits within our ecology and moves through the land.

In this workshop we will cover

principles and patterns for catching, storing and distributing water
reading water's behaviour in the landscape
how to work with rainwater, grey water and mains supplies to bring more life to our surroundings.
principles and design approaches to improve your management of water at home.
The workshop will combine theory and dialogue, walking and talking to explore living examples of water management around Edendale's buildings, gardens and nearby waterways.

Dan Milne

Dan Milne designs and teaches with interests in ecology, systems thinking and permaculture. He has taught design at Monash University since 2006.

More information:

For more information or to register to attend, visit

Or contact Karina King

Phone: 94333708
