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Farm Tours - Oakhill Food Justice Farm

Oakhill Food Justice Farm, 233 Tyler St, Preston, VIC 3072
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Created through a collaborative design process with the local community, the Oakhill Food Justice Farm is an emerging space of nutritious food production, education, community social space and source of food security. Achievements in the first 12 months include developing a program with the Preston Primary School to have all 700 students participate in a whole-of-school hands-on learning journey to grow a tomato crop and make passata, as well as paid internships for young people experiencing barriers to education and employment.

The Oakhill Food Justice Farm is a project of Sustain: the Australian Food Network. Tours will be led by our urban farmer Leila Alexandra.

Leila is an urban farmer and gardening educator. She has experimented with many styles of gardening and gives free gardening advice to anyone who will listen. She runs a small gardening consultancy and is dedicated to helping people connect to nature through growing their own food using natural farming techniques.

She grows most of her family's vegetables on a 1/4 acre rental in the north of Melbourne. Her garden is a destination for CERES permaculture students and Open Garden Victoria tours. She also has a degree in Environmental Science and was a founding member of Farmer Incubator and Growing Farmers.

More information:

For more information or to register to attend, visit

Or contact Leila Alexandra
