What is the Illawarra Edible Garden Trail?
The Illawarra Edible Garden Trail is happening on Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 November from 10 am-3 pm in partnership with Food Fairness Illawarra with thanks to sponsors Gilly’s Kitchen Garden and Treemates. This will be a fun weekend meandering through edible gardens between Helensburgh and Woonona. It’s all about connecting budding gardeners with well-rooted growers and sharing all the growing tricks and tips for different environments.
What kind of gardens are included?
The trail will show a variety of growing spaces and climates including backyard gardens, market gardens, community gardens, and school veggie patches. Some gardens are long established, while others are newer or in flux - reflecting the realities of seasonal changes, gardening challenges, and the unpredictability of mother nature. This presents opportunities to learn from each of these interesting and inspiring spaces - but please don't expect perfectly tended 'show gardens.'
View the gardens here (scroll to bottom): https://foodfairnessillawarra.org.au/join-the-illawarra-edible-garden-trail/
How does it work?
Over two days you’ll be invited into people's growing spaces to see their creative ideas, have a chat, and learn about what grows well where, and when! Registered attendees will be provided with a downloadable map (1 week prior to the trial) allowing them to visit the gardens that interest them and plan their weekend to suit. Some gardens are open all weekend, while others are open just Saturday or Sunday. Garden profiles and open days will be listed soon.
Come join us!
We have a wealth of growing knowledge right here in the Illawarra and the Edible Garden Trail is about embracing and sharing it. This year the trail will take place between Helensburgh and Woonona, extending year-on-year to the rest of the Illawarra to build community progressively. Funds raised through ticket sales are covering the costs of delivering this event.
More information:
For more information or to register to attend, visit eventbrite.com.au/e/illawarra-edible-garden-trail-tickets-686333460857?aff=ebdshpsearchautocomplete&fbclid=IwAR2E-cVB3x6u-dQoRYOdk1VEwhe4N2MfQzszEPGs4MzTV8ngs2fEaXKKOlk
Or contact the event host: