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Introduction to Beekeeping Course | Ballarat

306 Errard Street South, Ballarat Central, VIC 3350
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The Introduction to Beekeeping Course is a four hour session covering fundamental beekeeping theory, practical hands on training with two beehive openings, time to answer your questions and participate in discussion.

The course is held in our purpose built on site training workshop and backyard apiary.

As an introductory course no previous beekeeping experience is necessary to register and is also relevant for beekeepers starting out with a Flow Hive.

The Course features how to

- light a smoker (using you own smoker if you already have one, or borrow one of ours)

- open and reassemble a bee hive safely

- hold and manipulate frames within the hive

- identify developmental stages of a honeybee, honey, nectar, pollen and honeybee castes

Biosecurity awareness, including Honeybee Biosecurity Code of Practice is a key element of this course.

Protective equipment is supplied and a take home copy of Bee AgSkills (NSW Department of Primary Industries Publication) as your resource guide.

If you have a known anaphylactic reaction to bee stings we discourage you from registering for this course.

More information:

For more information or to register to attend, visit

Or contact Amanda Collins

Phone: 0409632545
