Following on from the November 2nd Living Lab Northern Rivers, Plan C and UTS “Adaptable and resilient food futures in the Northern Rivers” forum, we are seeking registrations of interest from government, community and not for profits in a “Northern Rivers urban agriculture and food futures Roundtable”
This half day event will bring together key stakeholders in a participatory and capacity building roundtable as part of Sustain: The Australian Food Network's third national Urban Agriculture Month.
Co-hosted by Northern NSW Local Health District, NSW DPI (tbc), Sustain: the Australian Food Network and the UTS Institute for Sustainable Futures, we will explore:
● What constitutes the current Northern Rivers food and farming system?
● What are the key challenges to the Northern Rivers food and farming system from health to climate adaptation, food security and reconstruction?
● What roles do key stakeholders play in addressing these challenges?
● What does participatory food system governance look like for the Northern Rivers region?
We will hear from speakers or a panel on the current food system including:
● Tamara Prentice, Manager Agricultural Land Use Planning, NSW Department of Primary Industries
● Other speakers TBC (indigenous food, community food sector, regenerative agriculture)
Our Roundtable facilitators will step participants through approaches to food system mapping and food governance models:
● Dr Nick Rose Executive Director, Sustain: the Australian Food Network
● Fiona Berry, Research Principal UTS Institute for Sustainable Futures
● Sheriden Keegan, PhD Scholar Food Systems Governance, Griffith University
The Roundtable will catalyse collaboration amongst peers in the region and produce practical next steps to lay the foundations for long-term food system planning and strategy for the Northern Rivers.
Lunch will be included as part of registration
More information:
Or contact Nick Rose
Phone: 0414497819