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Tecoma Community Garden Working Bee

5 Campbell Street, Tecoma, VIC 3160
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The Tecoma Community Garden sits on half an acre of Council-owned land and attracts enthusiast locals who live on properties with limited, or no, sunlight in the hills area.

The garden features individual garden plots, a shared orchard, a hot compost system, rainwater collection and a food share cupboard with surplus food being donated to Food is Free Tecoma. Chemical-free gardening is practiced.

Garden type
Garden members pay a one-off joining fee and an annual fee for a full or half plot.

Working bees are held on the last weekend of each month on alternating Saturdays and Sundays, 9.30-12.00pm followed by a shared morning tea. An end of year celebration is also held by members

More information:

For more information or to register to attend, visit

Or contact Roslyn Carter
