This documentary, captured over years of careful observation, showcases a diverse range of fauna and flora relationships that occur in the Nillumbik Shire. It includes an insight into the world of pollinators, such as insects and birds, and their significance within our local ecosystem.
The film highlights the value of considering how native fauna interact with their ecosystems, and using this knowledge to inform habitat management.
Many of the species featured in this film can be seen or heard on your local walks and conservation outings in the shire. You may learn about a colourful insect or a fascinating behaviour to look out for!
Wildlife of the Nillumbik Shire is a short (38min) film and creator Michael Smith will introduce the film and then answer questions after the screening. An opportunity not to be missed!
Light refreshments will be provided
More information:
For more information or to register to attend, visit
Or contact Karina King
Phone: 9433 3708