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Women's Change Makers Permaculture Design Course

Conondale, QLD 4552
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WOMEN's Change Makers Permaculture Design Course
2 weeks Residential Immersion
Crystal Waters Permaculture EcoVillage
Conondale, Sunshine Coast Hinterland
Queensland, Australia

November 3-19

C A L L I N G * I N.* W O M E N who would LOVE to be part of the newly created Women’s ‘Change Makers Permaculture Design Course delivered as a "by women for women" edition in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the first all-women's PDC.

Featuring along side me, Annaliese Hordern are inspirational Change Makers : Taj Scicluna, Jane Little, Jess Steele, Eliza Rix and Robin Clayfield with more to be announced..

This PDC speaks directly to the observations I’ve made that women often read landscapes, process information and communicate in their own unique way. The intention is to provide a held physical and emotional container for woman to explore Permaculture, as carers and custodians of land, as travellers, mothers, sisters and friends.

If this sounds like you, check out our new website and get in touch!

Places are limited, but if you are reading this, this might be for you.

With love for Our Earth, our People and Our Future, Annaliese

Investment $2690. Payment plans available.

More information:

For more information or to register to attend, visit

Or contact Annaliese Hordern
